Here is a view off the tyre. I had to move the ABS module on the left side to clear the wheel. Should last alot longer than a bike tyre does.Seems to handle better than a bike tyre, not as much side flex. Loving it so far.
This is the front tyre. A block tread made for side car use only.
Thought I would look at this historic railway station, in Grandchester.
Guess not, a locked gate with a $3500 fine for going in. WTF.
Found this great road outside of Grandchester.
Then came upon this sign. I think it will get interesting from here on.
Bugger me it ended in about 100 meters into a farm house. Had to back track. Oh well it was fun.
This is on the Walker - West Road such a great ride around here. Went out the Grandchester - Mt. Mort Road from Grandchester and turned left on to the Greys Plains Road nice and windy with some dirt in the mix. Fun Fun Fun.
Went down Kuss Road and did a left onto Waters Road, where this photo was taken.
resting in Blenhiem for lunch.
This is a great ride from Blenhiem onto the Ropley Road some really outstanding views of which I missed getting o photo of. Have to go back.
Then it was go left or straight ahead both roads are a good ride. Upper Flagstone Creek Road or Flagstone Creek Road. I went straight ahead and to home.
Nice RR, and great pics! Great work with getting that car tyre on, should be a bit cheaper when it comes time to change it as well!